A man from Poplar has been jailed for sexually abusing girls over more than 15 years.

Sajidur Rashid Tipu, of Canton Street, appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court for sentencing on June 28 in connection with a historic child sex abuse investigation. 

The 51-year-old was intercepted by Metropolitan Police officers at Heathrow Airport on February 24, 2021, after getting off a flight from Bangladesh. 

Tipu had been under investigation by the Met since February 2019 after one of his victims reported him to Bethnal Green Police Station. 

Police began investigating Tipu in 2019Police began investigating Tipu in 2019 (Image: Metropolitan Police) She told officers how Tipu had molested and touched her throughout her childhood. 

A second victim also came forward. The Met have confirmed that both girls were known to him. 

Detectives recorded details of more than 15 years of sexual abuse to build a case against the perpetrator. 

Tipu was found guilty on 15 counts of historic child sexual abuse. 

He was sentenced to 12 years and six months' imprisonment and was handed a 15-year restraining order against both victims and a 15-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order. 

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Det Con Paul Clare said: “I want to acknowledge the bravery of these two young women who came forward, their courage has been compelling throughout this process.

“This offending spanned over formative years of these girls' lives and caused them intense psychological harm. I’m glad Tipu has now seen justice.

“I hope this is a sign for any other victims out there who have experienced exploitation in their youth that they can and should come forward, we will do everything we can for you and you will be listened to and supported.”