A serving Metropolitan Police officer has appeared in court and has denied charges of rape and three counts of assault. 

It comes as Pc Jorden Brown, who is attached to the Central East Command Unit, was charged with rape and three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm in relation to one female victim.

The first alleged assault is set to have taken place in November 2018, the second in August 2019 and the third in October 2019, the charges state.

Brown, of Orchard Road, Dagenham, east London, is alleged to have committed the rape on February 16, 2019.

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The 40-year-old officer appeared in Snaresbrook Crown Court on Thursday, March 9 and spoke only to confirm his name and plead not guilty to the four counts.

Brown wore a blue jumper over his shirt and tie and was defended by Rosa Bennathan, with Sarah Lindop prosecuting.

The Met officer was granted bail ahead of a trial date on April 8 2024 at the same court.

Judge Rosa Dean said she will try to secure an earlier trial date if it is possible.

Brown was charged by post on January 6 after the offences were reported to police in October 2019, according to Scotland Yard.

He has since been suspended from duty.